Evita Nestoridi


  1. Leading All The Way (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Peter Francis and Pete Winkler.

  2. The \(S_k\) shuffle block dynamics. (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Amanda Priestley and Dominik Schmid.

Published/Accepted Articles

  1. Approximating the stationary distribution of the ASEP with open boundaries. (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Dominik Schmid, accepted at Communications in Mathematical Physics.

  2. Comparing Limit Profiles of Reversible Markov Chains. (arxiv)

    accepted at the Electronic Journal of Probability.

  3. Rowmotion Markov Chains (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Colin Defant and Rupert Li, accepted at Advances in Applied Mathematics.

  4. Limit Profiles for Projections of Random Walks on Groups (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Sam Olesker-Taylor, under revision at the Electronic Journal of Probability.

  5. The random walk on upper triangular matrices over \(\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}\). (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Allan Sly, Probability Theory and Related Fields.

  6. Cutoff on trees is rare. (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Nina Gantert and Dominik Schmid, Journal of Theoretical Probability.

  7. Mixing times for the simple exclusion process with open boundaries. (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Nina Gantert and Dominik Schmid, Annals of Applied Probability.

  8. Bounded cutoff window for the non-backtracking random walk on Ramanujan Graphs. (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Peter Sarnak, Combinatorica.

  9. Mixing times for the one-sided \(k\)-transposition shuffles. (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Kenny Peng, Annals of Applied Probability.

  10. Limit Profiles for Reversible Markov Chains (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Sam Olesker-Taylor, Probability Theory and Related Fields.

  11. Generalized Harmonic Functions on trees: Universality and Frequent Universality (arxiv)

    in collaboration with N.Biehler and V.Nestoridis, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.

  12. On the spectrum of random walks on complete finite d-ary trees. (arxiv)

    in collaboration with Oanh Nguyen, Electronic Journal of Probability.

  13. Cutoff for the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model with o(n) swaps. (arxiv)

    joint work with Alexandros Eskenazis, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (February 2020).

  14. Cutoff for cyclic adjacent transpositions.(arxiv)

    joint work with Danny Nam, Annals of Applied Probability (May 2019).

  15. On the mixing time of the Diaconis--Gangolli random walk on contingency tables over \(\mathbb{Z}/ q \mathbb{Z}\). (arxiv)

    joint work with Oanh Nguyen, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (April 2019).

  16. Cutoff for random to random card shuffle. (arxiv)

    joint work with Megan Bernstein, Annals of Probability (Dec 2018).

  17. Super-character theory and comparison arguments for a random walk on the upper triangular matrices (arxiv)

    Journal of Algebra (November 2018).

  18. Optimal strong stationary times for random walks on the chambers of a hyperplane arrangement (arxiv)

    Probability Theory and Related Fields (September 2018).

  19. Shuffling large decks of cards and the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model (arxiv)

    joint work with Graham White, Journal of Theoretical Probability.

  20. A non-local Random Walk on the Hypercube (arxiv)

    Advances in Applied Probability 49.4 (December 2017).